Klenz Te - Hreinsandi te
KlenzTea™ - Hreinsandi te fyrir lifrina, eitlakerfið, ristilinn & nýrun með 14 öflugum jurtum & öðrum innihaldsefnum.
Einn pakki af Klenz Tea inniheldur 14 mismunandi jurtir sem eru sérstaklega gerðar til þess að hreinsa innri líffærin. Stuðlar náttúrulega að góðri meltingu og ýtir undir reglulega tæmingu ristilsins. Þar sem stór hluti fólks þjáist af langvarnandi hægðatregðu.
Líkaminn okkar starfar eftir bestu getur þegar við losum hann reglulega við úrgangsefni og komum í veg fyrir uppsöfnun í ristlinum. Markmiðið er að aðstoða líkamann við að skola burt eiturefni, óþarfa uppsöfnun og líkamsúrgang á náttúrulegan hátt, án lyfja.
Drekktu 1 bolla eftir kvöldmat eða rétt fyrir svefn. Mælt er með að setja tepokann í heitt vatn í aðeins 2 mínútur fyrstu 10 dagana, síðan aukum við tímann upp í 5 mínútur. KlenzTea inniheldur mjög öflugar jurtir og 1 tepoki er fullnægjandi fyrir 2 tebolla, geyma pokann í kæli yfir nótt. 30 tepokar ættu að duga í 60 daga.
Senna Leaf, Milk Thistle Seed, Fennel Seed, Dandelion Root, Chamomile Flower, Cinnamon Bark, Peppermint Bark, Buckthorn Bark, Ginger Root, Orange Peel, Cat’s Claw Bark, Rose Hip Fruit, Passion Fruit, Uva Ursi Leaf.
ATH. á netnámskeiðinu "Djúphreinsun Holistic" notast ég við Klenz Te, ásamt 5 öðrum bætiefnum til þess að drepa Candida ofvöxt, sníkjudýr og fleiri slæmar örverur. Ásamt því að fylgja ákveðnu mataræði í 3 mánuði.
Hægt er að sjá nánar um námskeiðið hér: https://holistic.is/djuphreinsun/
Oft er ekki nóg að taka einungis eina tegund af bætiefnum til að endurstilla þarmaflóruna en það hjálpar auðvitað mikið til og getur einnig verið mjög gagnlegt á ferðalögum til framandi landa til þess að fyrirbyggja vöxt á slæmum örverum.
KlenzTea™ - DetoxAway® your Liver, Lymph, Colon & Kidneys with 14 carefully selected ingredients. (30 Tea Bags) Caffeine free, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Vegan.
- KlenzTea™ is the most comprehensive Detox and cleansing Tea on the market for 24+ years! Contains only the MOST powerful and effective internal cleansing ingredients. It’s called World’s Best Internal Klenz for a reason, it’s proven to work! It was the FIRST and STILL the only comprehensive internal cleansing formula of its kind. Most Cleanses tend to focus on the Liver and or Colon, while ignoring kidneys and Lymph. Cleansing Kidneys and Lymph is just as important since they are part of body’s natural detoxification pathways. DetoxAway KlenzTea is specifically formulated to help in cleansing the Liver, Colon, Kidneys and Lymph.
Liver is one of the largest and most important organs with a wide variety of functions. It plays a major role in the detoxification of endotoxins (metabolically produced) and xenobiotics (environmental). The liver prepares fat soluble toxins for excretion through bile, and other toxins through the kidneys.
Kidneys perform several functions that are essential to health. The most important of which are, filter toxins from the blood, balance mineral levels.
Lymphatic system is our body’s drainage system, cleaning up waste from every cell while helping to regulate the immune system. As the lymph passes through the lymph nodes, white blood cells attack any bacteria or viruses found in the lymph. If the lymph doesn’t flow out of the nodes to the kidneys and liver to be flushed out, it leads to waste and toxin buildup, weakening immunity and a wide variety of health issues.
Colon Our bodies operate at an optimal capacity when we eliminate waste matter regularly and don’t allow for colon build-up to accumulate. Natural laxatives like senna in this formulation are helpful for regulating bowel movement. The goal here is to assist the body in flushing out the toxins and body wastes naturally, the way nature intended it, without the use of drugs or chemicals.
- KlenzTea™ is designed to help your body thoroughly cleanse and detox itself naturally and start working at an optimal level*. Naturally promotes proper digestion & timely elimination since more people suffer from constipation*.
KlenzTea™ is a special blend of 14 trusted Herbs, and is especially effective if used after the last meal before going to sleep because it also helps with digestion and promotes sound sleep.
- As it is a very potent natural product and one tea bag is usually sufficient for 2 cups (approx. 6-7 fl oz per cup) – in other words 30 tea bags should last you 60 days.
We are confident that this is by far the best internal cleansing program on the market - that’s why so many have tried our program and promptly recommended it to others! Try it for yourself and see how great you’ll feel!
- Made in USA in an FDA registered facility.
KlenzTea Ingredients: