Liver Support and Detox - Stuðningur fyrir lifrina
Liver Support and Detox - Stuðningur fyrir lifrina

Liver Support and Detox - Stuðningur fyrir lifrina

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Lifrar stuðningur & hreinsun - Með mjólkurþistli, B-vítamínum, steinefnum, öflugum jurtum og NAC.

Lifrarhreinsun & stuðningur með mjólkurþistli, steinefnum, jurtum, N-Acetyl Cysteine, ásamt fleiru. Lifrin gegnum mikilvægu hlutverki í afeitrun líkamans.

Í mörgum rannsóknum hefur verið sýnt fram á að mjólkurþistill veitir lifrinni mikinn stuðning. Hann hjálpar til við að vernda lifrarfrumur gegn eiturefnum og hjálpar til við að styðja við afeitrunarferli lifrarinnar.

Blandan inniheldur N-Acetyl Cysteine sem er undanfari fyrir myndun glútaþíons í lifrinni. Glútaþíon er öflugt andoxunarefni, sem veitir lifrinni andoxunarstuðning, ásamt C vítamíni. Kólín hjálpar til við að styðja við fituefnaskipti í lifrinni, sem hjálpar til við að viðhalda heilbrigðri lifrarstarfsemi.

Inniheldur selenium, C vítamín og kólín hjálpa til við að styðja við afeitrun lifrarinnar því að þeir eru metýlgjafar. Blandan inniheldur ýmis fleiri jurtir og næringarefni sem styðja við lifrina, gallblöðruna og nýrun, og hjálpa til við afeitrun, svo sem seleníum, Alpha-lipoic acid, Artichoke og boldo, Burdock root, dandelion, and yellow dock, Curcumin, Picrorhiza kurroa.

Notkunarleiðbeiningar: Taktu 1 töflu 2x á dag á tóman maga.

Innihaldslýsing: Milk Thistle extract, B-vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and much more.


Liver is one of your largest and most important organs with a variety of functions. It plays a major role in the detoxification of endotoxins (metabolically produced) and xenobiotics (environmental). Detoxification is a process that involves several different organs and occurs primarily in the liver. The liver achieves this through two distinct phases whereby it prepares the toxins for excretion. Some toxins are excreted through the bile, and others through the kidneys. In phase 1, toxins are transformed into intermediate compounds which are then neutralized by phase 2 enzymes making them easier for the body to excrete.



  • Comprehensive liver support formula, containing a synergistic combination of B-vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and other nutraceuticals.
  • Contains milk thistle and other standardized extracts such as turmeric, artichoke, and picrorhiza.
  • Contains SelenoExcell® and NAC for glutathione peroxidase and glutathione production, respectively. SelenoExcell® is the most researched form of selenium.
  • Provides methyl donors folic acid, B12, and choline.
  • Contains the antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin C.



  • Milk Thistle extract has been documented in many scientific studies to provide support to the liver. It helps protect liver cells from toxins, and helps support liver detoxification processes.*
  • Contains vitamin B6 which is integral to amino acid and glucose metabolism in the liver.*
  • Folic acid, B12, and choline are methyl donors. All of these nutrients help contribute methyl groups to support liver detoxification.* This process makes toxins easier to excrete.*
  • NAC serves as a precursor for the synthesis of glutathione in the liver. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, which, along with vitamin C and other nutrients, helps provide antioxidant support to the liver.* Glutathione also helps support liver detoxification processes.*
  • Choline helps support fat metabolism in the liver, which helps support healthy liver function.*
  • Selenium as SelenoExcell® helps support glutathione peroxidase (powerful antioxidant enzyme) activity.*
  • The active curcuminoids in turmeric have been shown to be powerful antioxidants, and also help support normal, healthy liver detoxification.*
  • Picrorhiza kurroa extract as Picroliv® from Sabinsa has been shown in studies to support healthy liver function.*
  • Alpha-lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant and studies show it to be a powerful protector of normal, healthy liver function.*
  • Artichoke and boldo extract help support the production and excretion of bile, which is one way the body excretes toxins.*
  • Burdock root, dandelion, and yellow dock have traditionally been used as “cleansing” herbs which help to support liver, gallbladder, and kidney elimination processes.*


Suggested use:

  • One Liver support capsule 2 times daily, taken 30 minutes before a meal with a glass of water.
  • For best results, it is ideal to complete DuraDetox®  30 Day or 60 Day Internal Cleanse Program before starting the liver cleanse/support.