Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi
Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi
Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi
Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi
Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi
Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi

Upgraded Charge - Steinefnasölt í vökvaformi

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Ein öflugasta steinefnablandan á markaðnum þar sem hún nýtist einna best í líkamanum og er með vísindalega mælanlega upptöku. 

Steinefnin frá Upgraded Formulas eru í nano stærð til þess að tryggja hámarks upptöku eða lífaðgengi næringarefnanna. Næringarefnin eru nægilega smá til þess að sniðganga meltingu og fara því beint inn í frumurnar.

Ath. inniheldur ekki sítrónusýru né sætuefni eða sykur (t.d. dextrose) eins og flest önnur steinefni innihalda. Engin rotvarnarefni, glúteinlaust og vegan. Án mjólkurafurða og soja.
Veldur ekki brjóstsviða eins og er algengt vandamál með margar steinefnablöndur. 

Það besta sem vísindin hafa upp á að bjóða! Flest steinefnasölt nýtast mjög illa í líkamanum og frásogast einungis á bilinu 4-20%.

Einstök formúla sem frásogast 99,99% í líkamanum sem þýðir að hún er með hámarks nýtingu, miðað við öll önnur steinefni og fæðubótarefni á markaðnum. 

Steinefnablandan inniheldur:
Nano Magnesium Chloride, Nano Zinc Sulfate, Nano Sodium Chloride, Nano Potassium Chloride, Trace Minerals & náttúrulegt bragðefni frá lime berki.

Þegar ákveðin steinefni eru sameinuð í réttu hlutfalli, geta þau skapað samverkandi áhrif sem hafa mikil áhrif á skap, orku og jafnvel hjálpað til við að draga úr streitu og kvíða.

Steinefnin magnesíum, sink, natríum og kalíum vinna saman á einstakan hátt. Í samvinnu geta þessi steinefni hámarkað hormónastarfsemi og bætt flutning taugaboðefna sem hafa áhrif á skap og orku.

Hvert og eitt þessara steinefna gegnir lykilhlutverki sem stuðlar að því að hin steinefnin í Upgraded Charge mynda einstaka blöndu sem skilar margföldum árangri.

Algeng ummerki um skort á þessum lífsnauðsynlegu steinefnum í líkamanum - magnesíum, sinki, natríum og kalíum:

  • Aukinn kvíði og streita.
  • Orkufall eftir máltíðir.
  • Óstöðugt skap og skapsveiflur.
  • Lækkuð kynhvöt hjá bæði körlum og konum.
  • Almenn þreyta og skortur á þrótti vegna lækkaðs testósteróns.
  • Erfiðleikar við að sofna og halda sér sofandi á næturnar.
  • Brak í liðum vegna vökvaskorts.
  • Þreyta við æfingar.
  • Orkuleysi yfir daginn.
  • Meltingarvandamál (t.d. hægðatregða)
  • Vöðvakrampar & máttleysi.
  • Skert upptaka annarra næringarefna sem veldur skorti í líkamanum.


  • Unique Proprietary Absorption Method
  • 99.99% Absorption Rate
  • Maximum Bioavailability

Certain minerals when combined together in the right ratios can create a synergy that allows them to have a massive impact on our mood, energy, and can even help to lower stress and anxiety. 

The minerals magnesium, zinc, sodium, and potassium all work together in unique ways. Working together these minerals can help to optimize hormones and help transport neurotransmitters that help with mood and energy. 

Each one of these minerals plays a role that combines perfectly with the other mineral in Upgraded Charge to create a one-of-a-kind mineral matrix that delivers results. 

Let’s cover each mineral a little more in-depth: 

Upgraded Magnesium:

Magnesium is an important macromineral and one of the most important electrolytes required in the body. Without enough magnesium, we get muscle cramps, mood issues, hormonal dysfunction, and fatigue.

Magnesium is responsible for over 600 reactions that take place in the body and helps to lower stress and anxiety, converts food to energy, and boosts mood through supporting hormone and neurotransmitter production. 

Upgraded Zinc:

Zinc is a micromineral that plays important roles in brain function, hormones, and immune system support. Without enough zinc, it’s been shown in studies that testosterone and insulin sensitivity decrease, and symptoms of depression can increase in some people. 

Similar to magnesium, zinc supports energy levels and mood by helping to optimize testosterone in both men and women. The brain needs adequate zinc to manage our happy brain hormones which can help with symptoms of depression in some people. 

Upgraded Sodium:

Sodium is another macromineral and electrolyte that our bodies need in high amounts to support mood, sleep, and energy levels. 

Low sodium levels trigger stress hormones to spike which causes energy crashes, anxiety, exhaustion, and issues with mood. 

Sodium has gotten a bad rap in the past years but the reality is we need sodium to stay hydrated, have physical energy, sleep and prevent symptoms of anxiety for many people. 

Upgraded Potassium:

Potassium is a macromineral that plays very well with the other minerals in Upgraded Recharge. Potassium is a crucial mineral for mental health, and brain and muscle function. 

Deficiency in potassium can affect how your body uses nutrients causing extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, spasms. On top of that potassium helps with the transportation of serotonin a brain chemical that promotes feelings of well-being and happiness. 

But, the reality is that most people aren’t aware of the magic that can happen when you combine these powerful minerals together...

All of these minerals on their own have powerful effects on mood, energy, and even hormones and brain chemicals…

But when we combine them together in the right ratios we also get the benefits of better sleep and hydration, mental clarity and focus, reduction of muscle cramps, and headaches.

With zinc and magnesium together in the right ratio, it optimizes testosterone and insulin which both play a big role in energy, mood, and vitality for men and women.

Everyone thinks electrolytes are just important for those who do heavy sports, but did you know that individuals who struggle with adrenals, such as those with mold toxicity, require extra electrolytes? Read more all about it here.

Unfortunately, it’s easier than ever to be deficient in all these minerals because our foods don’t contain them in the amounts our bodies require.

However, the good news is...

At Upgraded Formulas, we’ve combined these amazing minerals in Upgraded Charge and only use the highest quality minerals that absorb at a rate of 99.99% 

A conventional electrolyte does not absorb well. Upgraded Optimal Electrolyte Blend with its Stabilized Nano Mineral Technology has been developed with small and stable Nano particles to provide maximum bioavailability, and improved symptom relief.

So, regarding the supplements you’re currently taking, where does the problem lie? Most supplements only absorb in the body at a rate of 4-20%.

This is because the mineral particles are too big for your cells to use.

We solved this problem by creating a proprietary Nano Particle Technology…
This shrinks the particles of minerals so they can be absorbed at a rate of 99.99%.

Not only that, due to the small particle size of Upgraded Minerals…
They don’t need to be digested and can be absorbed in seconds.

Our Upgraded Charge - Optimal Electrolyte Blend At A Glance…

  • Packed with Stabilized Nano minerals to aid absorption
  • Does not need to be digested to be absorbed
  • 100% natural, keto, and vegan
  • High-quality magnesium to provide all you need in a day

    What Are The Common Signs Of Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, and Potassium Deficiency?

    •  Increased feelings of anxiety and stress.
    •  Big energy crashes after meals due to insulin issues.
    •  Unpredictable moods and mood swings.
    •  Low sex drive in men and women.
    •  General lack of vigor and motivation due to lower testosterone.
    •  Issues getting to sleep and staying asleep at night.
    •  Joints that pop and click due to dehydration.
    •  Feeling extreme levels of fatigue during workouts.
    •  Constant exhaustion and tiredness during the day.
    •  Issues with digestion and constipation due to dehydration and magnesium deficiency.
    •  Muscle cramps and weakness. 
    •  Improper absorption of other nutrients causing deficiencies in the body.

    FAST-ACTING RELIEF AND RESULTS: Every other mineral supplement available is too large to be absorbed and used in the body. Not only that but most companies use inferior quality minerals with nasty fillers and artificial flavorings. Every serving of our Upgraded Formulas products have been optimized to be absorbed and provide faster-acting results so you have all-day energy without the crash, get more nutrients from the foods you eat, and balance your hormones.

    SAME DOSE BUT BETTER RESULTS: Our mineral supplements are packed with our proprietary Nano Particle Minerals that are absorbed at a higher rate and come from a higher quality mineral which delivers better results.

    STABILIZED NANO MINERALS: The stabilized Nano Particle Mineral technology means that you will absorb 99.99% of our Upgraded Formulas products. Even at smaller doses our products are more effective than higher doses of other minerals on the market due to how well it is absorbed.

    100 % NATURAL, ORGANIC, GLUTEN-FREE, KETO & VEGAN FRIENDLY: This product is designed for the person who’s health-conscious and tired of all the nasty fillers, artificial flavors, and stabilizers that so many companies use and sell. Our Upgraded Formulas products are as close to mother nature as you can get. 

    HOW TO USE: We recommend drinking 8-16 oz of water with 4 droppers of Upgraded Charge since it’s a liquid that comes in a dropper and is meant to be diluted.  If you feel any discomfort on an empty stomach you can take prior to a meal or with a snack to help.