Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi
Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi
Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi
Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi
Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi
Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi

Upgraded Potassium - Hágæða kalíum í vökvaformi

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Öflugasta Kalíum fæðubótarefnið á markaðnum þar sem það nýtist einna best í líkamanum og er með vísindalega mælanlega upptöku. 

Steinefnin frá Upgraded Formulas eru í nano stærð til þess að tryggja hámarks upptöku eða lífaðgengi næringarefnanna. Næringarefnin eru nægilega smá til þess að sniðganga meltingu og fara því beint inn í frumurnar.

Það besta sem vísindin hafa upp á að bjóða! Flest fæðubótarefni frásogast aðeins í líkamanum á bilinu 4-20%.

Einstök formúla sem frásogast 99,99% í líkamanum sem þýðir að hún er með hámarks nýtingu, miðað við öll önnur steinefni og fæðubótarefni á markaðnum. 


Upgraded Potassium absorbs in your body at a rate of 99.99% without digestion due to our proprietary Nano Particle Technology.

This powerful combination of higher absorption rates and not needing to be digested means you can start feeling the benefits within minutes.

This is why Upgraded Potassium will help you:

  •  Erase fatigue and exhaustion
  •  Fall asleep in minutes and stay asleep through the night
  •  Avoid painful muscle cramps throughout the day and night
  •  Consistently boost energy levels
  •  Improve mood and sense of well being
  • Increase Bone strength and muscle health

So, regarding the supplements you’re currently taking, where does the problem lie?
Most supplements only absorb in the body at a rate of 4-20%.

This is because the mineral particles are too big for your cells to use.
We solved this problem by creating a proprietary Nano Particle Technology…

This shrinks the particles of minerals so they can be absorbed at a rate of 99.99%.

Not only that, due to the small particle size of Upgraded Minerals…

They don’t need to be digested and can be absorbed in seconds.

Here is how Upgraded Potassium can change your life:

Imagine waking up from a night of refreshing undisturbed sleep with zero painful muscle cramps zapping you awake in the middle of the night.

You have natural all day energy and after lunch you didn’t have the typical energy crash that sends you running to the coffee pot.

Throughout the day you’re able to focus for longer without any brain fog and find yourself in a better mood.

After work when you hit the gym you feel strong and don’t need to worry about stopping your workout because of any muscle cramps.

As you wrap up the day it’s easy to wind down and fall into deep sleep without any tossing or turning.